Saturday, December 27, 2014

11 Months!

Happy 11-month birthday, Sophie!

This month was lots of fun.  We went to Rice Park for the tree lighting.  We drove to downtown Saint Paul.  There were tons of things going on (a Wild game, Hmong New Year, and the tree lighting), so we had to park a few blocks away and walk.  Thankfully we got there with plenty of time to spare and it wasn’t too cold out so we didn’t freeze! 

You loved the twinkling lights!  It was such a good night.  I think too often Mommy and I get so caught up in work and getting other stuff done that we forget we need to get out and see things too!  I’m glad we were able to make it to the tree lighting this year.

This month we also celebrated my birthday with all the members of the LSC.  It was good to see everyone, and as usual you were a social butterfly, saying hello to everyone and waving to people walking by or seated next to us every chance you got.

We also had a visit from Aunt Cassi!  We were so happy she was able to come for a visit.  We went to see the Holiday Train in downtown Saint Paul. 

Once again we were lucky to get a bit of warmer than normal weather so we didn’t freeze.  But there were some big crowds.  It was fun to have Cassi visit!

Unfortunately this month also brought on your first illness severe enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room!  You had the stomach flu and weren't keeping any liquids down.  It had been several hours since your last wet diaper, so Mommy took you in. 

I was at work, but I headed straight to the ER after I was done at midnight!  You were a trooper, and we were able to go home with a prescription and some pedialyte.  We were so thankful that everything was okay and that you were on the mend in no time.

I feel like I say it every month, but you still sleep so well!  You sleep for around 9 or 10 hours a night and take at least one nap a day.  I love to watch you sleep, and often hold you long after you’ve drifted off.

You love to talk.  You jibber jabber about everything.  I can't wait until you have enough words to tell us what you are thinking!

You are getting better at playing peek-a-boo!  You are still a little unsure of the point of the game, however, and usually put your hands over your ears or mouth rather than your eyes.  But we’ll get it one of these days…

You are very good at entertaining yourself.  You will often play quietly by yourself, but at some point the playing becomes getting into trouble.  Mommy and I have to keep a close eye on you because if we don’t…

We love it, though, and usually just reinforce the bad behavior by laughing.  You, of course, join right in with the laughter. 

You still love the trusty old Johnny Jump Up.

Sometimes you even fall asleep in it!  I don't know what we're going to do when you're too big for it!

And this month you were completely infatuated with the Christmas tree.  I think at first you were confused by this new foliage in the living room, but eventually you got used to it and just wanted to touch it.  All.  The.  Time.

You don’t have a specific favorite toy this month, probably because you have TOO MANY!  I actually gathered them all together this month and sorted through them – some into piles to be donated, some to be put away, and some to leave out.  You tried to be helpful by putting all the toys in the to be donated pile back into the keep pile. 

You continue to be a pretty good eater.  You definitely love cheese and would probably eat 20 cheese sticks a day if we let you!

We don’t, of course, but you love it.  You are always willing to try new foods but indicate right away if you don’t like something.  Every time we give you something new I hold my breath and wait for your reaction.

You still hate anything in your hair or on your head.  It really is a shame, though, because Mama bought a ton of hair stuff for you before you were born and we received so many as gifts!

You will sometimes tolerate small bows for a short amount of time, so we just put them on and try to snap a picture before you decide you’ve had enough.

It’s getting harder and harder to get you to sit still to get your picture taken.  This month was especially hard.  We had two separate photo sessions and the one at the top of the page is the best we could get.  Here is what most of the rest looked like:

11 months, Baby Girl! 

Time sure has flown!  I can’t believe you’ll be one next month.

People always say that babies grow so fast, and it’s hard to remember how little they once were.

But it’s true!  I feel like you have always been where you are…and that you’ve always been a part of our family.

We love you more than anything, Sophie, and are so happy to end the year celebrating every day with you!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

This year for Christmas we were supposed to go see Grandma Moe, Aunt Ang and Uncle Lon and the kids, but you were so sick.  You got the flu shortly before Christmas and were still throwing up Christmas Eve morning, so we decided we should stay home.  That meant we had to unpack the presents and get them under the tree.  We also attempted some photo shoots in your Christmas dresses since we wouldn’t be going to church.  We were mildly successful.

I also had to run to the store to get something to make for Christmas dinner.  And since it was so late, I bought store-bought cookies to leave for Santa. 

You insisted on trying them.

And then said “Santa will never know, right, mom?”

We opened presents Christmas morning.  You were a little hesitant at first…

And while you never totally got into unwrapping things, you sure did get excited about what was under all that wrapping paper and tape!

You got a Supercalifrgilisticexpealidocious Sing Along Songs DVD

A keyboard

And a workbench

Your favorite toy, though, was a doll that Santa brought.  It was so cute to watch you open it!

And when you were still playing with it a few hours later, we knew Santa had picked a winner!

You wouldn’t even let it go to have your goodnight bottle!

Even though our plans changed and we weren’t able to go to South Dakota (Mama and Mommy were super bummed), we still had a lovely Christmas at home with you, my dear Sophie…with many more to come!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

You Speak!

Depending on who you ask, your first word(s) was (were):
"is this?" (Said when pointing to something),
"Ay-ee" (Ellie),
or "cheese."

My vote is for "Ay-ee" followed by "is this?" which was a close second.  Mommy is CERTAIN you said "cheese" the other day before the other two...and if not, I think her vote is for "is this?"
Whatever your first word was, you're well on your way to talking our ears off.  
And I can't wait!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at home this year!

You spent the morning watching the parade on TV...

And then supervising Mama as she finished the dinner preparations.  

We got the table set...

And enjoyed a delicious meal with Michele and Heather!

You were certainly excited about all the new food set before you!

After dinner you got to play with our guests...

as well as with Mommy!  

It was such a good day spent with family and friends.  We have so much to be thankful for this year...most importantly, you!