You turned 1 month old today! I can't believe how fast the last month has gone!! We love you so much and are so happy every day that you are here with us. You really have been a good baby.
You rarely cry and if you do it's only for a few seconds. This usually happens when we change your clothes. You HATE having your clothes changed! You sleep pretty well most nights - 5 or 6 hours - and are generally a very happy and content baby. You love sleeping with your hands by your head. I hate swaddling you because I know you like having your hands up, but I also know you'll sleep better if your hands aren't able to flail about.
You make the cutest "o" face that I just can't get enough of.
You are a pretty light eater. Everything I read says you should be eating more, but the doctor says that as long as you're gaining weight we don't need to worry about it. We went to your one month check up a couple of days ago - you are up to 9 pounds 0.5 ounces and are 21 1/2 inches long!
You have the best hair. It's still hard to tell whether it's going to be light or dark. After you get out of a bath it's a little curly or wavy and then as it dries it becomes a little frizzy. Most of the time it's adorable but sometimes? It's a little Donald Trump-esque:
You have the TINIEST feet! I love them and sometimes take off your socks and just stare at your toes (I swear I won't always be this weird!):
All in all the last month has been pretty amazing. Here are some more pictures of your first month: