Thursday, February 27, 2014

One Month

You turned 1 month old today!  I can't believe how fast the last month has gone!!  We love you so much and are so happy every day that you are here with us.  You really have been a good baby.  

You rarely cry and if you do it's only for a few seconds.  This usually happens when we change your clothes.  You HATE having your clothes changed!  You sleep pretty well most nights - 5 or 6 hours - and are generally a very happy and content baby.  You love sleeping with your hands by your head.  I hate swaddling you because I know you like having your hands up, but I also know you'll sleep better if your hands aren't able to flail about.  


You make the cutest "o" face that I just can't get enough of.

You are a pretty light eater.  Everything I read says you should be eating more, but the doctor says that as long as you're gaining weight we don't need to worry about it.  We went to your one month check up a couple of days ago - you are up to 9 pounds 0.5 ounces and are 21 1/2 inches long!

You have the best hair.  It's still hard to tell whether it's going to be light or dark.  After you get out of a bath it's a little curly or wavy and then as it dries it becomes a little frizzy.  Most of the time it's adorable but sometimes?  It's a little Donald Trump-esque:  

You have the TINIEST feet!  I love them and sometimes take off your socks and just stare at your toes (I swear I won't always be this weird!):

All in all the last month has been pretty amazing.  Here are some more pictures of your first month:  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Bath

Today you had your first bath.  You weren't a fan - especially after getting dried off afterwards!  Once you were all cuddled up in the towel, though,  you were back to being your laid back, happy self.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

First Family Visit!

This past weekend Aunt Ang and cousins Gabs, Jake, and Noah visited!  It was so good to see them, and they were all smitten with you :)  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Photo Time!

We went in for professional photos a couple of days ago.  The problem was that the photographer was running late and it was FREEZING in the studio.  People kept opening the door to the outside, and the cold air would come rushing in.  You hated it and basically made a crabby face or cried the whole time which was a little odd because you hadn't really cried much before the photo session (and haven't since...note to selves:  Sophie doesn't like cold air!).  Here are a few of the pictures that turned out somewhat okay:

After that, I convinced Mommy to take some more photos at home that I think turned out much better - she is such a good photographer!

With a combination of at-home and professional photos we were able to order birth announcements - one more thing off the to-do list!

Mommy and I are finding our groove in this whole parenting thing.  We are getting on a better schedule and getting to know you better every day.  I love to spend time just staring at your beautiful face:

Mommy loves to hold you, carry you around, and talk to you about everything.  I love watching you two together...

Since the minute you were born you have loved sticking your tongue out.  People tend to think it means you're hungry, but we have learned that you just love sticking it out - hungry or not.  It's pretty cute at this point, but if you're still doing it when it's time to start school we may need to have a talk...

Ellie LOVES you.  Seriously.  She keeps a good eye on you all the time and is your fierce defender.  She checks all visitors out and sometimes refuses to let people near you - at which point she gets locked up in the bedroom :)  I love that she loves you and is such a good puppy around you.

Overall things are going well.  Mommy and I are tired, but it isn't as hard as what I are breaking us in easy to this whole parenting thing.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weight Check

Today we went in for a weight check - you were up to 7 pounds 13 ounces - finally above where you were when you were born!  So happy that you are continuing to grow big and strong.

1 Week

You're one week old!  I can't believe it!  Today you went to see your regular doctor.  I emailed her this morning, and she was able to fit us in today.  At the appointment your weight had gone back up (7 pounds 4 ounces!), thank goodness!  The doctor said you looked great, we should keep doing what we were doing, and come back in a couple of weeks for another weight check. 

After the appointment Mommy and I wanted to celebrate, so we took you out to your first restaurant - Which Wich!  You slept the whole time, but I'm pretty sure you loved it.  I know I did - it was my first non-toasted sandwich in 9 months :)

After we got home we all settled in for a nap.  It's been such a good week, but stressful as well.  Your Mommy and I worry about everything - we're still trying to figure out what is "normal" and what isn't (as I'm sure you are), but we'll all get the hang of it eventually!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

6 Days Old

Wow.  I can't believe you're already 6 days old!  The time is going so quickly!  I don't even know where the days go - seems like it's morning and then it's night and everything in between just goes by in a blur!

You are such a good baby.  You never cry.  When you're hungry you just kind of fuss a little, but that's it!  Everyone says to just wait...that one of these days you'll wake up, and we'll wish for the days when you never cried.  You are a serious baby.  You sleep a lot, but when you are awake you are looking around, trying to make sense of the blurred images around you.  

You have already had several visitors, and even with all the commotion around, you take it in stride.

You have the best facial expressions already - we love to just sit and watch  you.

Mama got a call from a nurse today.  She wanted to know if we wanted to have a home visit.  I told her about your weight loss and said I was really concerned.  She agreed and said that you had lost more than 10% of your weight and that you should be seen - either by your doctor or one of their nurses.  I agreed to try to get a hold of our doctor in the morning.  

While you took to breastfeeding right away, it's hard because I never know how much you're getting.  We have decided to continue supplementing with formula for now since you are losing so much weight.  Hopefully we'll get back to the doctor tomorrow and get this weight thing figured out.