Sunday, April 27, 2014

3 months old!

Happy 3-month birthday, Sophie!

 So much has happened this month -

You took you first road trip to visit Grandma Moe, Aunt Ang, Uncle Lon, Gabs, Jake, and Noah (we missed seeing Lacey!) in South Dakota!

You were a champ in the car - sleeping the whole way there and back.  But being away from home for a couple of days was difficult - schedules were off, and your bed wasn't your bed.  It was during this trip that you found your voice and let us know you know how to use it!  You still don't cry a lot, but you aren't afraid to let us know how you feel any more!

You also met the Easter Bunny!  You were so sleepy, but you did manage to open your eyes for a few minutes while he held you.  As soon as he passed you back to Mommy, though, you zonked out again.

You had your 2-month doctor's appointment this month.  You did a great job!  You weighed 10 pounds 13 ounces and got your shots.  You weren't thrilled about those, but with both mamas there to comfort you, you stopped crying pretty quickly.  The doctor said you look great and you passed everything with flying colors!

This month you started day care!  You get to spend your days with Nana (and sometimes Papa) and Charlotte.  The first day was pretty hard for Mama.  I spent the day wondering whether to call and check on you or not.  But I got lots of support from Mommy and Grandma N (in case you haven't noticed, you have lots and lots of Grandmas, aunts and uncles who aren't "officially" related to Mama or Mommy :)), and I survived the day.  When it was time to pick you up I was so excited!

Of course, you did great.  Everyone said that it would get easier as time went on, and it has.  You are usually asleep when I drop you off and dozing when I pick you up, which I take to mean you are happy and feel safe there.

We went on our first family walk together this past month!  The weather is finally starting to warm up, and the snow has disappeared.  I think we all needed some fresh air (especially Ellie!).  You slept the whole way snuggled into Mommy's chest.  The next time we went on a walk we took the stroller.  You slept the whole way then, too.  Seems the fresh air puts you right to sleep!

You and Ellie are becoming good friends.  You aren't bothered by all of her kisses, and she isn't bothered by your cries.  She likes to sit near you and continues to be your guardian.

You continue to be such a happy baby and smile all the time - especially after you first wake up.

Your eyelashes have gotten really long...

You love the sound of your name, especially when Violet says it.

You love to stare at yourself and have started babbling away whenever you look in the mirror!

You continue to sleep like a champ.  If we time your last feeding right, you'll sleep 8-9 hours, and there have been a few times I've had to wake you up in order to get ready to go to daycare!

You just figured out your thumb is separate from your fingers and have started to think it may be a good idea to suck on it.  You haven't forgotten the rest of your hand, though.  When you're hungry you loudly suck on your whole hand but don't start crying until you see a bottle.

Other tidbits:

You can sit up with me or Mommy sitting with you.

You are holding your head steady for quite awhile these days!

You rub and rub and rub your eyes when you're tired. 

You love to talk to whoever will listen - me, Mommy, Ellie, or your reflection!

You love music and songs.  You even try to sing along sometimes!  Some of your favorite songs are "Good Morning to You," Boom, Boom," and "The Wheels on the Bus."

You love baths, but you hate getting out.  Mommy usually does bath time.  She turns on some music and plops you into your own personal spa.  You would probably sit there all day if the water didn't get cold!  Once you're out, though, you're not happy until you're dressed in your warm pjs with a bottle in your mouth.

Mommy packed away your newborn clothes a couple of weeks ago.  We can't believe how much you've grown!

Today we celebrate three months of having you here!  While that doesn't seem like very long, it really does feel like you've always been a part of us, and we can't imagine our lives without you.  Hugs and kisses little Blue.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Your First Easter!

Today was your first Easter!

The Easter Bunny spoiled you a little.  He brought lots of cute clothes, two books (both about a giraffe named Sophie!), a mirror (because you LOVE to admire yourself), a couple of toys, and some chocolate (for Mama and Mommy).

You were such a good sport while Mama and Mommy took picture after picture...

But eventually you let us know you had had enough.

After pictures it was time for a nap...

And then off for a yummy Easter Brunch!

All in all it was a good day filled with lots of laughs, a few tears, and a bit o' chocolate (thanks, Easter Bunny!)!