Saturday, August 30, 2014

Live, Laugh, Love

One of our favorite singer/songwriters asked people to send in photos and videos of things they are thankful for.  Mommy sent in two pictures and a video and all were included in Catie's video!  You're famous!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

7 Months Old!

Happy 7-month birthday, baby girl!

 This month marked the last month of summer which meant it was extra busy for all of us. 

After you returned from your vacation to Duluth (you little sneak!), we all decided pack up and head North for a few days.  We had such a nice time.  We stopped at  Gordy's Hi-Hat for lunch on the recommendation of Grandma N.  The hamburgers were awesome, and everyone was so helpful with getting our stuff settled and entertaining you!  

We spent a little time by the lake, 

And took a train ride (upon your recommendation)! 

You even showed us the big pool you swam in during your vacation! 

We got a swing and slide, and although you weren’t too sure about it at first…

Soon you were laughing away! 

Mommy made sure you got lots of time outside before she had to head back to school, 

And we spent as much time all together as we could.  

Music class ended which Mommy was pretty sad about.  She loved going to class with you each week.

You’ll definitely need to sign up for another class next summer!  Speaking of music, you're favorite song this month is All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor.  You heard it on the radio one day and shrieked with joy.  It's now been added to your playlist.

We went to the zoo with Hannah and Olivia and had such a fun time…

Even though you fell asleep.

You were still so tired after we got home that you took a really long nap!

Towards the end of the month you started rocking...and we knew we were in trouble.  You'll be scooting around in no time!

Mommy headed back to school for workshops and to get her classroom ready.  When she went on the weekends she would take you along.  You were a big help…

Until you got all tired out.  

You got to spend time with friends this month like Teddy (What?  No photo proof?!?), Drew,

Liv H,

Liv C,

And all the CPA peeps (like Susan)!

You are infatuated with straws, cups, and our food and grab for them whenever you can.

You still like taking selfies,

And continue to love your toes.  You sometimes even hold onto them when you’re asleep!

You sure do notice Ellie more these days.  You giggle when she comes running in from outside and love to say good morning to her with a smile and laugh!  Ellie isn't so sure about you anymore, though!  You like to pinch and grab, and Ellie isn't such a fan.

You love to fly through the air and go for rides.  Mommy helps out with that…

You love to talk and try out your voice,

And you know what you like and what you don't.  When you don't you make sure to let us know.  You have started crying when we leave the room.  We reassure you we'll be right back, but you aren't always so sure.  

You tried some new solids this month including watermelon and nectarine.

You’re still not a huge fruit eater, but seem to tolerate the fresh stuff more than the packaged “baby food” stuff.  You continue to love your veggies, though.  Especially sweet potatoes and peas.  You also have started eating puffs and once you got used to the different texture you seem to like them okay.

You had your six month appointment.  You weighed in at 15 pounds 13.5 ounces and were 26” long!  Jeni says you are perfect, and we couldn’t agree more!  You handled your shots like a pro and only cried for a minute.

We have so much fun together,

But now that Mommy is back in school and you are in daycare and Mama is hard at work, time seems to be going by faster than ever!

We enjoy every second with you, though, my love,

And can’t wait to see what next month will bring!

Sophie's First Adventure