Friday, March 27, 2015

14 months!

This month was such a fun one!

We went to the mall and hung out in the play area for awhile.  You are always interested in the little rides they have, but once we put the quarters in and they actually start moving?  You lose interest pretty quickly.  You wouldn't sit on the seat, so we had to grab a quick picture of you on the floor.  Whatever works, right?

We also went to the Children's Museum TWICE this month.  You love exploring that place, and now that you're able to get around a little more you love being there even more!

One day when we were there, Sid the Science Kid was visiting.  You were a little unsure of him...

And scampered away as soon as mom set you down on his lap.  Ah well.  I'd probably be scared of a kid who was taller than my moms and had purple hair too!

You went out to eat with Mommy a couple of times this month and are becoming very comfortable perusing the menu on your own!

Easter came a little early this year with the arrival of a very special package from Grandpa and Grandma Ricks as well as an early delivery from the Easter Bunny!  I'm not sure you understood all the excitement, but you immediately put your new shopping cart to work!

You are learning and growing so much every day!  

One day, earlier this month, you carried one of your toy bins across the room!  I couldn’t believe it.  Another day you pushed your new chair from the living room to the dining room.  You are so strong and you love showing it off.

You are understanding more and more of what we say and are great at following directions.  

When we hand you something and ask you to throw it in the garbage you do it!  I worry a little that soon we’ll be finding other things, not meant for the garbage, in there, but for now it’s fun, and you LOVE throwing your own diaper away.  You also understand when we ask you to pick out a book to read.  You love going to the bookshelf and returning with a treasure – usually this lift-the-flap book about a visit from Grandma!

You continue to say more and more words – most noteable this month?  Papa and baby.  You love going to see Nana and Papa and we’re happy you can say both proudly.  You love your babies and take care of them all the time.   

You love to play with your toys and have been spending a lot of time this month playing with your new teapot!

You also thoroughly enjoyed a new game Mommy invented (although I think she may have regretted inventing it after dragging you around the house for 30 minutes straight!).

You love to be outside and would spend every waking moment out there if you could!  

You are getting better and better at walking with shoes on,

But occasionally still fall and bump your head.  :(

You continue to love trying all sorts of foods!  You still love bananas and have one almost every night before bed (although you haven't learned the concept of keep the food off the couch very well!).

You love peas, ham, and blueberries, and you also tried red pepper this month.  You weren't a fan but did take a few bites.

You love mac and cheese and love having lots of food choices within reach.

You tried your first donut this month.  You loved the frosting most!

You also discovered the joys of cell phones.  We found an old phone and charged it up.  It only takes you to a lock screen, but you love pushing the buttons, seeing the lights, and pretending to talk to Papa.

You discovered the fun of flashlights this month and refused to set this one down!  You did have to protect your babies, after all!

You continue to LOVE music of all kinds.  You carry you xylophone around with you often, 

And just finished another music class with Mommy (here you are with your music teacher)!

You love to read, and I love that you love it.

I especially love that you love this book about babies around the world.  I bought it for a friend when she announced she was expecting, but somehow the book never made it to her.  You love the babies in that book and aren't afraid to show it!

You are relatively patient when Mommy does your hair all crazy,

As well as when Mama dresses you up in adorable things! :)

You are still a great sleeper - usually sleeping 10-11 hours a night once you're all snug in your PJs and get your bottle and have your little monkey to snuggle up with!

You love spending time with Mommy.  You get super excited when she comes home, and I love to watch the two of you together!


One bad thing that happened this month?  You committed your first crime.  After shopping we got home and from inside your jacket you pull this...along with the ripped-off tag.  Mommy and I are going to be in big trouble with you some day... :)

But even though you are a little shoplifter, we both love you more than anything.  Keep being you, little lady!