Sunday, September 15, 2013


Middle of the night insomnia:  I fall asleep only to wake up a few hours later.  I then spend several hours sitting around, basically waiting to fall asleep again.  It gives me lots of time to:

Watch shows I have never seen.  I am almost done with all 6 seasons of Numbers (Season 6, episode 1 is currently playing in the background) - almost every episode has been been watched between 2 and 6 a.m.  What did insomniatic pregnant women do before Hulu?

Google things I shouldn't Google which leads to learning things I don't really need to know like "The top 10 most embarrassing things about childbirth."

Make list after list of all the things that need to be done that I don't seem to have the energy to do like clearing out the office/spare room/nursery or going through every box and bin in the basement and purging all unneeded items.

Freak out about things that either (a) don't need to be freaked out about or (b) I have little or no control over.  Like my ever-increasing weight - weight that seems to keep piling on at an excessive rate no matter what I eat or do. 

Think about Blue.

Be hormonal...really hormonal.

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