Thursday, December 22, 2016

Sophie Says...

"Where is my booger?  I set it down somewhere and now I don't know where it is."

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sophie Says...

Quiz your toddlers!
Toddler questionnaire:

What's your name? Sophie

How old are you? 2

When is your birthday? In January 

How old is Mama? 2

How old is mommy? 2

What's your favorite color?  Blue

What's your favorite food?  Mac and Cheese

Who's your best friend?  Asla

What's your favorite show?  Paw Patrol

What's your favorite movie?  Nemo

What's your favorite song?  Bees

What's your favorite animal?  Penguins

What are you scared of? Lions

What makes you happy?  Penguins

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sophie Says...

"Oh no!  Oh no, oh no, oh no!"
"What is it?"
"The sky!  It's orange!"
"I know!  Isn't it beautiful?  It's a beautiful sunset!"
"No, it's not beautiful!  Oh no no no!"

(it felt a little like Chicken Little worrying about the sky falling!)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sophie Says...

"I don't want to wear a big dress when I get married."
"That's fine, you don't have to."
"I want to wear a big Santa costume. Or a big, big, big horse shirt."

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Sophie Says...

First night in a big girl bed. 

The last 90 minutes:

"Mama, I'm scared."  Went in to find a pile of books on the bed. "Don't worry, Mama, I checked my nightlight THREE times!"

"Mama, I want my crib back."

"Ho, ho, ho who wouldn't go?  Ho, ho, ho WHO WOULDNT GO?!?"

"Can I have my crib back?  Please?"

"Mama, can I catch you?  I wanna catch you."

"I want my crib back."

"I had to get out of bed because my book fell on the floor."  Put the book against the back railing. "There. Now your book won't fall on the floor."  "But what if it jumps all the way over my body and falls on the floor?" 

"Can I have my crib back?"

Goodnight, my love. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sophie Says...

Me: I'm going to find a thermometer to take your temperature.
Sophie: Are you going to be a doctor?
Me: Kind of.
Sophie:  Can you just be my Mama and hold you (me)?

Sophie says...

"Rockabye horsie in the tree top. When the bough breaks the cradle will be fine...I don't remember the rest."

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sophie Says...

"I'm going to the park to get a tattoo on my foot." - said at 5:15 a.m.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sophie Says...

"Mama, will you 'nuggle me?"

Sophie says...

"I want to tell you my plans. First I'll go potty. Then I'll drive my car. Then I'll go down my slide. Then I'll swing in my little swing. Then I'll swing in my big swing, and then I'll be done and you can hug me."

Sophie Says...

"Mommy, I'm feeding my baby now so I can't hold you. When I'm done feeding my baby I can hold you."

Mommy: Sophie can you smile?
S: No. I'm feeding my baby. 
M: Oh. Can your baby smile?
S:  No!  She's eating her milk. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sophie Says...

Quiz your toddlers!
Toddler questionnaire:

What's your name? Sophie

How old are you? 2

When is your birthday? It's not my birthday. 

How old is Mama? 2

How old is mommy? 2

What's your favorite color? Pink

What's your favorite food?  Pizza

Who's your best friend? Jenny 

What's your favorite show? Caillou

What's your favorite movie? Christmas Caillou

What's your favorite song? Farmer in the dell

What's your favorite animal? Chicks

What are you scared of? Being in my bed

What makes you happy?  When Mommy comes home

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

21 Months!

It's been a busy month full of all things fall!

We got festive and put up some decorations - you especially loved putting up the window clings Grandma and Grandpa Ricks sent!

You tried on one of your costumes,

And got to wear all of your adorable Halloween outfits!

You helped Mama do some fall baking,

And helped celebrate when Mama passed her LICSW exam!

You went to the library to play with the new dollhouse,

And to the Children's Museum on a chilly Friday afternoon (it was virtually empty!)!

We went to Menards one day and had to send a picture to Aunt Cassi,

And checked out the Halloween Party at Pearson's Candy Company (it was a little wet and really busy, but you got some candy and loved checking out the decorations!

We went on a family fall walk to see all the beautiful leaves,

And Mommy took you to the zoo for tot time!

Even though it wasn't as cool as it sounded online, Mommy said you had fun making art projects,  

Scooping pretend animal poop,

And feeding sponges to the zebra.

We spent as much time as we could outside, knowing that our days of warm-enough weather are numbered,

But we also tried to make our time inside (it is getting darker much earlier, after all), as fun as possible.  Mommy got out your ball pit for a few days.  You loved climbing in and out, burying your babies, and throwing the balls all over the house just to run around singing the clean up song and picking them up!

We also did a TON of arts and craft activities this month!  You made pumpkins and ghosts with Mommy,

Made play dough animals with Mama,

Created sticker art,

And collage art,

And proudly displayed all of it.

You colored A LOT,

And discovered the fun that is chalk!

All in all it was a creative month to be sure.  I love that you're discovering (and loving) art!

I didn't love, however, that you also figured out that crayons can draw on lots of different the stove, the dishwasher,

And the floor (and the bench and the table!).  Thankfully it all came off easily, and truth be told, it was hard for Mama not to laugh when she saw it!

This month you got to see two of your favorite people!  Uncle Marge took you to the Children's Museum one day so Mommy could clean up around the house!

And Aunt Enny came and watched you one night so Mommy and Mama could go out for our anniversary!

You guys played a lot and even made a sign that was hanging up when we got home!

The next morning I came into your room, and you immediately asked if Jenny was "bye bye."  I said yes, and you immediately said "Nooooo!"  You wanted your Jenny back!

You continue to love going to Nana's for daycare.  She was gone for a couple of days this month and you went to your back up daycare.  You love your friends there, but confided in me one night that "Sophie miss Nana."

As for foods, you discovered the wonderful goodness of potato salad,

And confirmed that ice cream cones are basically the best.

You love airplanes and motorcycles, and big trucks.  You became obsessed with fire trucks this month and can't decide if you love them or are scared to death of them.  You also became obsessed with the moon and often ask where it is.  I think at first you were terrified of it, but now it seems that maybe it's ok (or maybe you're okay with it now because we told you the moon goes night night so you don't need to worry about it at night).  Mama started reading Goodnight Moon every night before bed, and that seems to have helped (somewhat).

You discovered a pile of empty boxes that Mama had stashed away for some unknown reason, and spent hours building towers taller than you!

You continue to love, love, love Ellie.  One day you kept patting the floor, telling Ellie to "sit right here."  She finally did, and you promptly began reading your book to her.  Adorable.

You like to be right next to her, often, whether she is feeling up to it or not.

Something that seems to have just started - when you sniff things (like flowers) you sniff OUT instead of IN.  It's pretty adorable, but a little unfortunate that you're missing out on all the good smells out there!

Things you are saying this month...You said your first somewhat complex sentence!  I was getting ready to go, and you came into the room and said "Mama, Sophie go Nancy with you?"  Unfortunately, you couldn't come that day, but I was so proud of you for asking!

When you want someone's attention, and you aren't getting it quite fast enough (like immediately), you grab our faces and say "Look, Mama, Look!"

You told your first knock knock joke this month:  "Knock, knock."  "Who's there?"  "Knock knock."  AWESOME.  Since that first joke a few weeks ago you have improved the act to do the entire knock knock boohoo version.

You have discovered (rediscovered?) your scream.  Wow you can scream.  You scream when you want attention, when you're bored, and for no reason at all.  You just love to scream.  In a restaurant, in the library, in the car.  Doesn't matter.  While it isn't always pleasant, I'm happy you have your voice and aren't afraid to use it.  I hope you never lose that.

This month you also used your first distraction for avoiding bedtime.  Typical toddler distractions?  I need water or I need milk or I need a kiss or I need a story.  Yours?  "Mama, I have hangnail.  Clip hangnail."  You didn't have a hangnail.  Nice try, smarty pants.

You are full of spit and fire, girl.  You have such a HUGE imagination, a fantastic sense of humor, and a love of life that I hope you never lose.  Hugs and kisses.