Saturday, September 27, 2014

8 months old!

Baby Girl!  You turned 8 months old today!

I can’t believe how fast time is going and how big you are getting. 

You are learning new things every day!

This month was kind of a hectic one for moms.  Mommy started school again.  You were a huge help when we went in Labor Day Weekend to help her in her classroom. 

You even kept the stuffed owls occupied so mamas could get the big jobs done. 

Unfortunately, we didn’t have a ton of fun outings this month with mamas being busy with work and us all getting sick.  Mommy got sick first with pneumonia.  Then you and Mama caught the bug. 

Thankfully neither of us got it as bad as Mommy.  We all stayed at home a lot and rested to try to get over it.  You handled your first cold like a champ and were as energetic as ever, though. 

We are all finally on the mend and doing much better, though. 

Let’s see…this month you started crawling a lot more.  You are pretty much able to get anywhere you want these days.  One day you were sitting on the carpet in the living room.  I went into the kitchen to rinse some dishes and before I knew it you were tugging at my heals! 

Early in the month you fell off the couch.  Mama called the doctor and the doctor said…”no more Sophie’s jumping off the couch!”  Just kidding.  But you really did fall with Mama sitting right there.  I felt terrible, but after about 15 seconds of crying you were just fine.  The doctor’s office reassured mamas that you would be just fine!

This month you started to reach for mamas when you want us.  I love this!  I feel like it’s a very tangible way of knowing what you want (even if now you think it’s a fun game to go back and forth and back and forth between mamas). 

You got your first tooth on September 2.  Your second one came in a week or two later.  We are still struggling to get a good picture of those adorable teeth, though!

You love to suck on your thumb or fingers

And love to spend time with Mommy as soon as she gets home from work!

You also love to be outside and we try to get out in the yard or go to the park as often as we can!

You had your first modeling gig this month for a neighbor’s Etsy page.  You were kind of crabby during the photo session but you were adorable, as always. 

You love to play with toys and especially love to talk with your stuffed animals. 

Your favorite toy continues to be Raf Raf, though.  Her presence is a must for all car trips.

Your food choices continue to expand.  You have discovered mum mums,


apples, and other yummy things.

When you tried your first apple you loved it and refused to let go even when I realized I hadn’t peeled it.  At one point you accidentally dropped it on the floor and immediately started screaming!  Mama washed it off and gave it back and you were happily sucking away in no time. 

Now that you’re eating more and dropping more food on the floor, Ellie has once again decided you can stay!  She watches patiently for any missing food and will even sneak up and clean off your fingers if mamas aren’t watching closely enough!

She even lets you sit near her and doesn’t seem to mind too much when you tug at her fur.

You do NOT like hats and are starting to hate to have bows on your head, even for a short time.

We try to keep the torture to a minimum, though. 

Your personality comes out a little more every day. 

You are a feisty child who knows what she likes and what she wants. 

We love you to pieces and love watching you grow. 

Some days I just look at you and wonder how Mommy and I got so lucky to have you in our family. 

We love you, baby girl!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Play Time!

Today we decided to go to a park.  We didn’t have any one in particular in mind, so we set off to see what we would find.  We ended up stopping at Lexington Park in Roseville.  It had great playground equipment and there was hardly anyone there!  It was so much fun to swing and explore a new park together!  I think we’ll be returning to this one a lot.