Monday, October 21, 2013

Two Recent Tidbits:

During our last ultrasound little Blue was being completely uncooperative.  Her spine was facing us, and the technician couldn't get her face or parts of her heart.  I got up, walked around, poked my stomach a bit, gave Blue a talking to, and tried again.  She hadn't moved.  The technician eventually gave up, but just before it was done she said "Oh!  Look!  She's patting herself on the back."  "Sure," I said, "She's all proud of herself for being such a stinker and refusing to move....I wonder where she got that from...KRISTIN."

Lying on the couch the other night:
Me:  If this daughter of yours doesn't stop kicking my bladder I'm going to get really mad.
Kristin:  It's her way of making a joke.
Me:  Not funny.
Kristin:  You better watch out...soon you will have two trouble makers in the house...whispering in the corner...scheming and plotting against you.
Me:  I gotta pee.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Here We Go Again...

Registries suck.  Seriously.  The idea of them is nice.  They have always been a great shopping/reminder list for myself.  Plus the idea of walking around with a little price gun thing and scanning everything you love is appealing.  The whole process sounds like fun.  Until you actually do it and find yourself staring at an entire aisle of bottles.  Followed by an aisle full of diapers.  Followed by an aisle full of shampoos.  Decision after decision.  It's overwhelming.  And exhausting.  But decisions have to be made.  The baby needs bottles.  And diapers.  And shampoo.

When choosing where to register we went with the hometown favorite, Target, and thought we would also go with the old standby, Babies R Us.  But once I started looking at Babies R Us?  It reminded me a little of our last registry experience.  Expensive items and pushy sales people.  When they called me three times in one day to discuss our registry and offer "helpful advice," I decided I had had enough and shut it down.  There is something to be said about Amazon's lower prices, absolute absence of sales people, and zero aisles.  :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Strawberries, Anyone?

Before becoming pregnant and during the early stages of pregnancy I often heard people talk about foods that they used to LOVE that they no long could stomach the thought of.  I didn't get it.  How could you all of a sudden just think that a certain food you had always loved was gross?

Well, I officially get it.  

Example #1:  Chinese food.  The thought of Chinese food makes my stomach turn.  I have pushed through and eaten it once.  While it didn't make me sick, the effort it took to actually eat a meals-worth of food was just not worth it.

Example #2:  Strawberries.  Perusing the fruits and veggies at the store several weeks ago, I was surprised to find that strawberries totally gross me out.  I used to buy them every week whether they were in season or not.  Now I steer the cart clear of the display.

Other examples (including foods that literally make me sick):  Yogurt, fruit juice, greasy foods, fried foods, eggs, and salad (I think the greens are what make it so unappetizing).

I have become a somewhat picky eater.  I'm hoping that it all goes away after pregnancy because I don't like being so high maintenance.  :)

And so it begins...

Well, it's happened.  I've officially started cleaning.  And purging.  The other day I decided I needed to go through the stuff in the bathroom.  For those who haven't seen our bathroom, it is litterally the size of a closet.  We have one small medicine cupboard and 6 bins that sit on a shelf above the toilet.  That's the total of our bathroom storage space.  How much stuff could we possibly fit in such a small space?  You'd be surprised.  By the time I was done I had an entire large garbage bag FULL of stuff to throw out.  Which is kind of sad.  And disgusting.  

Now on to the hallway closet, the bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, and basement.  I think I'm going to need to go buy more garbage bags...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I woke up in the middle of the night STARVING and craving...



ice cream?


licorice, BBQ sauce, a Chipotle burrito bowl
(all of which have been common cravings)?


SweeTango apples.  

Which is just completely bizarre.  

But whatever.