Sunday, September 27, 2015

20 months!

School is back in session and time is going are as busy and adorable as usual.

This month we went to the Children's Museum again,

And you went to a couple of back to school parties with Mommy!

You helped send Mommy off for her first day of school, 

And when Mommy had to work long days those first few weeks,  you and Mama had some fun Mama Daughter dates including the park and ice cream,

And a walk around the neighborhood!

We went to the library one day.  You were so excited to read your books we didn't even make it two steps inside the door before you sat down to read them!

You love watching Mama in the kitchen and get super excited whenever you can help mix, stir, or "paint" egg on the top of pastries!

Ang and Noah came for a visit, and you loved having them here.  You even roped Noah into cooking in  your kitchen for a bit!

You also got to see Jenny a few times this month!  You love her to pieces!

You did get a little sick this month - just a cough - but Mama took you to the Target Minute Clinic to get your ears checked since last time you had a bad ear infection and mamas didn't have a clue.  Turns out you were just fine.

We are getting excited about Halloween!  Mama bought you two different costumes.  You were a sport and tried them both on - super cute!

Mama also got you a rocking horse for free!  You loved it right away, giving George a ride on it (thanks for George, Aunt Enny!)...

And then attempting to conquer it...

Before finally settling into life as a cowgirl!

Your favorite song right now is "Oh Happy Day" from Sister Act 2.  We don't go more than a day without you demanding to watch it on YouTube or listen and dance to it.  You often ask at dinner and pound your fork or spoon to the beat.  Super cute.

You continue to sleep so well - at least 10 hours a night.  Usually you have your bottle and then go right down, saying "Night night, Mama" as I leave the room.  You still sleep on your stomach with your little butt in the air, just like you have since you could roll over.  Love it!

Some other new things you are saying this month...

"Be right back, Mama!"  Then you run off to your room or the kitchen, hang out for awhile, and then reappear.  It's adorable.  Seriously.

"So, so heavy!"  Usually said as you're carrying something huge and unweildy that no child your age should be able to carry....although occasionally you say it when you're carrying something small.  Like a fork.  

"MOMMY!" You started saying your "eeeees" finally!

And whenever a doll or a mama or you are having a bad day?  You say "Shh, shh,'s okay, baby."  You are such a comforter.

One day a week or two ago I put you in the car as usual after picking you up from Nana's.  I asked, as always, how your day was.  "Good," you said.  As always.  "What did you do?" I asked.  As always.  And then it happened.  You, in your own, broken words sort of way, told me about you day.  

You had gone to the library and gone outside.  You had applesauce for a snack and said hi to Papa on the phone.  It seems so simple, but it was amazing.  To ask a question and have you tell me so much in response.  I love it.

And I love you.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

McDougall's Apple Junction!

We decided to go to an apple orchard this weekend, and after a little research, we chose to go to McDougall's.

You loved checking out the train they had,

And petting the goats! They had food there to buy to feed to the goats, but mamas didn't have any quarters along, so we had to scrape around on the ground looking for bits for you to feed.  It was awesome. :)

You had a great time swinging,

And they had a high tower we were able to go to the top of.  It was so windy I was worried you were going to blow away, and Mommy was terrified of being up so high and wouldn't go near the edges!

We went on a hay ride.  You loved meeting the farmer and riding on the wagon for a little while, but you were ready to be done by the time we were halfway through.

We ended the visit with a hot dog and apple donuts.  It was an awesome orchard, and way less busy than some of the others we've been to.

We had such a good morning together!  Can't wait to go to another orchard!

Monday, September 7, 2015

State Fair 2015

We went to the Minnesota State Fair this year!  Mama decided the best way to get there would be to take the bus.  Boy was it overcrowded!  But we made the short (less than 5 minute) trip, and had a great time!

We got a family picture taken,

Played in the sandbox with Mommy,

And colored with Mama!

You loved the pigs,

And the cows,

And loved playing with the (rubber) ducks!

But I think your favorite part was the Little Hands Farm where you got to do all sorts of farm things and ended up with a stuffed lamb!

You even got to try your very first cheese curd (you loved it)!

We had a great time!  I'm glad we decided to go - even if we had to take a crowded bus to get there.